What's the worst thing a kid you've babysat has done?
2009-05-17 17:34:52 UTC
What's the worst thing a kid you've babysat has done?
Nine answers:
2009-05-17 19:57:41 UTC
I don't have a worst kid story, so I'll substitute a worst dingbat mother story!! Long ago, in a land far away (ha!), a woman who lived down the street asked if I'd babysit with her toddler one night. I arrived at her house, she left, and I was watching tv while the kid played. But then I heard a sound from another room. It sounded like a puppy whimpering.

I went to investigate and there was an infant in a crib!!! Maybe 2 months old.

Since I was just 13, my mom wouldn't let me babysit for a kid that young. I called my mom and she came steaming over and stayed there until the kids' mom came home. Needless to say, my mom raised hell, and that was it for that job.

I'm sure visions of raging fire or some other catastrophe were in my mom's head. They were in mine, since I didn't know the baby was there and could have easily left her while I took the other kid out in an emergency. I guess the woman just wanted to save money or thought the baby would sleep through until she came home. This woman made Octomom look sane!!!
2016-12-12 09:40:21 UTC
this isn't undesirable on your son, even though it would make his existence extra stable in case you the two might desire to leave him with somebody else faster or later yet he's not used to the assumption. in case you and your husband do no longer comprehend what to do with yourselves with no toddler around, you truly might desire to bypass out. it truly is going to actual harm your son to have mom and dad who're disconnected from one yet another. call the community extreme college and spot in the event that they have any techniques. discuss with the PTA human beings. See if there are different mom and dad around who can change nights with you (hit upon a playgroup in case you haven't any longer have been given one already by using your community park and rec branch, the universities, church homes, or maybe online).
2009-05-17 17:42:56 UTC
back in the day i babysat was to mess up my 4 week history project that i had completed the that weekend
2009-05-17 17:42:56 UTC
I was at the playground with the kids, and when i turned my head for one second, the older boy (about 3) was peeing off the top of the slide. and there was a crowd.
alicia l
2009-05-17 18:16:18 UTC
There was not just one thing. My cousin stayed at my house for the summer and was a trouble maker. We did not get along. He is a junior in high school.
2009-05-17 17:43:42 UTC
pooped in his diaper then pulled it down his pants so it was all over his legs I didn't even know it until I realized something smelled! It was disgusting!
2009-05-17 17:39:43 UTC
pooped in a pool at a birthday party and i got in big trouble
2009-05-17 17:39:34 UTC
poop on the floor and play in it
Hadassah ✡
2009-05-17 17:41:54 UTC
Wanting to see me naked.

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