2009-05-03 15:37:28 UTC
so our guitarist decided that she would teach herself the drums since guitarists are so much easier to replace than drummers. she's a really talented musician (completely self-taught on both guitar and bass) so we're not worried that she won't be able to drum. plus, one pro of being in a punk band is the fact that you don't have to be the best at your instrument as long as you make it as loud and fast as possible.
my question is, do you honestly think that for a street punk band we'd need to get a quality name brand set, or would a no-name brand work just as well. it's not as if she's playing for the boston symphony orchestra or anything, so i personally don't think that it needs to be *the best of the best* but i wanted other peoples' opinions.
i found a reputable website - musician's discount warehouse - that sells gammon drum sets. i've never heard of them before (of course i'm not a drummer...the only brands i recognize are pearl and dw) but from what i've seen they're okay as far as drum sets go and they're pretty inexpensive at $260. since i'm the one who's going to be buying the set for her, i want to make sure that i'm making a smart purchase.
what do you think: should i go for it and pay out the $260 for the drum set or should i keep looking for something better (and more expensive) with a brand name?