Does anyone here (that has read the hunger games) get the feeling that life is over after finishing the trilogy.I mean I have read the books at least seven times each and love every detail .How the ending of every chapter holds a surprise or in the and she loses her sister .Suzanne Collins gives every single detail so we can imagine it.How she loses her best friend, her sister , father and her mother etc because they are either dead or far away.I just wish Finnick, Cinna and Prim shouldn't have died.I'm Crazy obsessed (not like those crazy fans who cry, scream, shake and buy souvenirs like the mocking jay pin although I so want to get one).This story will be a phenomenon because the fantasy and horror.It also relates to some countries (my country) where the government aka president is greedy and people get killed everyday and there is poverty..I have every detail of the book memorized .Sorry if this is a long but I finished reading Mockingjay again and get that feeling you get after your favourite books, movies or series end but you want more e.g harry potter which is still the other best fantasy book ever.These stories won't actually die.Anyway I live in the UK and want to get some hunger games related items like the mockingjay pin or some badges but really low prices and those that can be delivered from eBay?