How does Singapore’s nightlife stand up to the rest of the world’s?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How does Singapore’s nightlife stand up to the rest of the world’s?
118 answers:
2007-03-19 01:20:40 UTC
'Nightlife', if you are referring to clubbing and pubbing, is a waste of time. Basically, women join the scene to flaunt their bodies and appear more acceptable to the 'in' crowd. Men go there to look for prey.

A bustling 'nightlife' - if you are referring to the above activities, would just encourage more decadent and promiscuous behavior, not least among the young and impressionable.

Sleaze, booze, getting sloshed, smoking, keeping late nights, bad behavior, getting picked up and picking other people up, sexual debauchery, are all part and parcel of the scene. Anyone who doesn't agree is simply not willing to acknowledge the obvious.

If you are referring to 'Nightlife' as other nightly attractions besides clubbing and pubbing, then I would say, yes, Singapore is boring in this respect.

Tokyo has its famous tower, and many other countries have their well-known wholesome 'nightlife' or places that people can go to at night to enjoy themselves.

Singapore has a splendid Night Safari that is worthy of praise. Unfortunately, the people who praise it highly tend to be mostly foreigners. Perhaps the locals find it too expensive to deserve an initial foray to see why it's so highly praised in the first place,...such is the irony.*sigh*

I would like to see Singapore develop more of the wholesome side of 'nightlife'. 'Nightlife' does not have to always equate 'clubbing' all the time. We should look more broadly and creatively at the concept of 'nightlife' and be bold enough to consider more ideas to make it more exciting without going the way of 'clubbing & pubbing'.

Those who share my views are welcome to voice your opinions too. Hardcore clubbers who like their vodka may disagree with me, but I think there are many others out there who will agree with my views.
2007-03-19 08:36:21 UTC
Some of us are too quick to make judgement and plainly label Singapore's nightlife (we r talking abt clubbing and pubbin) as boring. Now, tell me what's fun then?

Though I won't praise highly for the nighlife here, it is heading towards a positive direction, and very soon, we could be one of the party central in the world. Indeed, many in Asia gave rousing reviews about the night scene here in Singapore. Just look at MOS alone. On a weekend you can find Indians and Chinese tourists partying away. I've had on several occassions been asked by European tourists the direction to MOS. Zoukout managed to attract a high percentage of tourist arrivals. According to reports, roughly a quarter in attendance were tourist. I remembered I danced with a group of Indonesian tourist during Zoukout. Not only during Zoukout, but even when I was in Zouk and MOS too. These tourists, many of them view Singapore as THE place to party. Only here do the government allow 24-hr operating license to certain outlets. MOS on certain nights dropped its last track just in time for me to take the 1st train. Bangkok clubs have to close at 3am. KL too. Here, the party starts after midnight.

Indeed, Zouk was recently voted No10 best club in the world by DJ Mag magazine. That's the highest position for an Asian club, even beating Tokyo's Womb. While Zouk is known for good music and party, MOS is known for the brand itself. Certainly MOS is good for those whom only buy MOS Annual Compilation but have no freaking idea who Carl Cox or Danny Tenaglia is. Certainly a recommended venie for first-time clubber.

The opening of St James adds variety to the scene. Instead of house, trance, top 40s being played in other clubs, at least now we have a huge club that caters to fans of live music. Mando or Latin, the mix is good and the variety is very much welcomed. It adds vibrancy to the club culture here. Indeed, I am very positive that we will soon be the party central of the East (maybe we already are, just that we aren't sure yet), although it'll takes time to reach the level at which Ibiza, London or Miami is at now.

However, having big players alone is not enough. The smaller clubs deserves some attention too. We do not want to be ruled by the holy trinity alone. Disappointly, many of us keeps mentioning Zouk, MOS(Cannery) and St James, sidelining other smaller clubs with potentials such as Home, Butter Factory. How about those famous watering holes we have? Balaclava, Rouge, Alley..the list goes on. The big clubs shouldn't be the only ones setting the standard alone. They also shouldn't the only ones cashing in on the party people's cash. The smaller clubs deserve a chance too. Most of us are too comfortable with names such as MOS that they hardly venture into the smaller clubs, thus after awhile, forcing these small clubs to close down. The smaller clubs are the ones that adds variety and life to an otherwise dull and predictable culture. However, the problem seems to stem from the clubbers themselves. Majority can dance to Promicuous Girl or Square Room week after week, but they'll just froze when you play progressive. They don't have any idea what Drum and Bass is, or who the heck Filo and Perry is. When something new is offered, many aren't keen to try it out. Many are still comfortable with the tried and tested formula, with names that they already know, and they go to places that everyone goes. Our local DJs are not given ample support too. All these factors contribute to the reason why the smaller clubs won't last long, and even if they last, they'll remain small. Thus, making the culture here predictable. It's Zouk this wkend, MOS next and St James week after. Then back to start of the cycle. In this case, we lose out to Tokyo and Amsterdam.

We have the hardware. We have the right laws and regulations in place. Yes, you can party down here. However, the people still lack the soul.

Whatevr it is, I still believe we will be the party capital in this part of the world. Give us 3 more years.

Anw, the smoking ban is a positive one I believe. Many of my friends don't club much or don't even club because they can't stand the smoke. They promise they'll club more once the smoking ban kicks in. To take Wala Wala as an example, they remain the same before and after they implement smoking ban. Still as pack and lively as ever. Thus I don't believe it'll affect the industry that much. I'll miss the smoke stink though.

P/S: I just read lexicon72 reply and I have to agree with him.
2007-03-19 03:31:50 UTC colleagues and friends from Europe/US were full of praises of Singapore's nite life. Some even got their PR to stay here. Ask them why? They said the nite life here is can party, drink, pick-up chicks...without getting bashed or "Killed". While many of our locals complaining about this, that...did we read any suggestion or did I missed it??

I went to Malaysia's, Taiwan's, Thailand's, China's nite spots...honestly, I really cannot differentiate any differences other than musics they played, setup and services they provided...But, I do know there are drugs and gangsters there with which I'll stay away from.

Maybe I am a very simple person who don't ask for more other than lively atmosphere, nice musics, pretty babes and a few mugs of beer...and oh, being pickup by babes as well...hahaha.(What's wrong to be picked up and being pickup? How do one get to know more friends??? Match Making???)

Well, I am a "Frog in the Well", I have never been to Europe's or US's before, so...shoot me down. But let me ask this:"What we want in a party place other than feeling good and welcome(services)?".

To me, to be able to enjoy without much worries...Singapore is Number 1 !!!
2007-03-19 00:54:49 UTC
It's great that Singapore now has Cafe del Mar, Hed Kandi, MOS, Fashion Bar, St James Powerhouse....but it lacks the vibrancy of other nightlife capitals such as New York, London and Europe. It may bring in these 'big brands' but when you don't have the international DJ cred gracing the decks plus the curtailing of nightlife at 4am, then you don't attain the sort of vibe or experience it should evoke. Hedonistic individuals will testify that it takes the wind out of their sails.

Pete Tong's recent stint at Cafe del Mar was mediocre. It wasn't his best. He has done better ones when I was in the UK and Ibiza. And where are the lesser known underground DJ acts? Zouk seems to be a magnet for them, so why aren't the other clubs roping them in? Singapore clubbers are also to be blamed, opting for mainstream dance music like cheesy mixes of Top 40 hits. I would say the underground dance music scene in SG is niche, and only some can truly appreciate Drum & Bass, Progressive House, Deep House, et al. And even if we brought in these underated acts, would we know how to party hard?

Having a big name club in Singapore like MOS is just a pretty 'shell' on the outside, but what it contains - a mix of people, attitudes, energy, & vibe - is another story altogether.

Nathan T
2007-03-19 04:41:23 UTC
I'm very pleased with the way the night life is coming up in Singapore. Big clubs are turning their attention to us e.g MOS, cafe Del ma and local operators are expending with good ones like st James power house. That's the positive side of it, the negative side of it is the service,product knowledge and marketing level, which needs to be very much improved if we are to be compared to world standards. Just by bringing in top DJ's or offering special prices on drinks are not good enough. More events need to be done for guest to interact with the clubs and bars.
Emre Koh
2007-03-20 22:18:38 UTC
For the past decade, many clubs have opened and closed. Big players like Fire, Sparks, Canto, Venom have closed down. Only Zouk is still surviving. First was Boat Quay was developed, then Clarke Quay, then Mohd Sultan, then Esplanade/Fullerton and now back to Clarke Quay.

Even Clubs that have won STB Nightspot of the year, ended up closed, for example China Jump and Centro. The reason is Singapore market is too small to have so many big players.

Canto crowd goes to Dragonfly/St James and Sparks type of crowd end up in MoS. We still have other clubs like DXO, Double O and many others that are attracting the small population of clubbers.

In Singapore, people only goes to club on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and occasionally Saturday. In other countries, people goes to club almost everyday. Bare in mind that Singaporean need to work or school the next day. Its too expensive for Singaporean to club everyday. That is why many Clubs are offering free entry and even free drinks to ladies to attract the crowd.

Another culture in Singapore is that once you are married, you stop clubbing. You have to spend time with your family members and spend your money wisely. So the clubs have to target the young crowd who are spending on their parent money. But this trend wont be lons because Singapore population is declining.

Hopefully if the IR coming up, the tourist can brighten up the Night Life industry. Tourist can expect a smoke and drug free clubs in Singapore. Hopefully, the tourist will get to see less fights from the Ah bengs and Ah lians in the club. This will destroy the image of Singapore.

fathope T
2007-03-20 18:56:05 UTC
In terms of effort, we are right up there. In terms of following trends, we are in the middle. And in terms of creativity, we are right at the bottom.

What we are having now in Singapore is just to allow Singaporeans to know what is around the world. And for those who already know to experience it again. To be a bright spot on the map of nightspot, we have to have the creativity and balls to bring what is not out there, to attract those around the world to come here and experience it.
2007-03-19 09:30:04 UTC
Zouk is ranked the Top 10th Club in the World, from DJ MAG Feb 2007! no.1 in Asia and Australia. we need to support our local talents,dj's etc.. we don't need another club to play commercialised music cause you already get that everywhere. listen and feel the music ppl! cheers!

1 Space (Ibiza)

2 Fabric (London)

3 Pacha (Ibiza)

4 The End (London)

5 Warung (Itajai)

6 Panorama Bar (Berlin)

7 DC10 (Ibiza)

8 Amnesia (Ibiza)

9 Pawn Shop Lounge (Miami)

10 Zouk (Singapore)

11 Stereo (Montreal)

12 The Arches (Glasgow)

13 Turnmills (London)

14 Space (Miami)

15 Digital (Newcastle)

16 Ministry Of Sound (London)

17 Womb (Tokyo)

18 Guvernment (Toronto)

19 Cocoon (Frankfurt)

20 Pacha (New York)

21 D-Edge (Sao Paolo, Brazil)

22 Cavo Paradisco (Mykonos, Greece)

23 Sirena (Maresias, Brazil)

24 Crobar (Chicago)

25 Fuse (Brussels, Belgium)

26 Pacha (Buenos Aires)

27 Basics (Leeds)

28 Club Kristal (Bucharest)

29 Coco Rico (Riccione, Italy)

30 Cielo (New York)

31 Rex Club (Paris)

32 Robert Johnson (Frankfurt)

33 Yellow (Tokyo)

34 Tenax (Florence, Italy)

35 Weekend (Berlin)

36 Privelege (Ibiza)

37 The Cross (London)

38 Sankeys (Manchester)

39 Home (Sydney, Australia)

40 Pacha (Sao Paolo, Brazil)

41 The Key (London)

42 Babyface (Shanghai, China)

43 Honey Club (Brighton)

44 Se One (London)

45 Alter Ego (Verona, Italy)

46 Spundaue (Los Angeles)

47 Trilogy (Dubai)

48 Venue (Athens, Greece)

49 T Bar (London)

50 Ageha (Tokyo)
Yew Guan T
2007-03-19 08:19:09 UTC
60% boring
2007-03-19 02:34:43 UTC
I think basically there are a few pts that Spore nightlife can measure up with the rest of the players in the world.

1) Spore have a unique culture- we r a multi-culture country. In the night-spot outlets, we can play various music. Not necessary to be English songs. Can be re-mix of others.

2) Spore is a safe country, after leaving the night spot even after 3-4am, you are relatively safe to walk on the street it is especially impt when you are a tourists.

3) We might not be as big or even posh as other night spots in the world but we should always look at our uniqueness. We are not a racist country. Everyone can visit a night-spot and every guest is treated equally.

Out-look and deco is impt but Good Service is the key word that we should practise in the Hospitality industry....

Hope the above feedback is useful to u.
2007-03-20 20:09:26 UTC
1. Singapore is too small... Only 4 mil people living here. NY 10 mil, Paris 10 mil, London 10 mil , Tokio 10 mil? There s crowd for it there, not here.

2. Creativity : There s no music and trends creativity in singapore, we just follow with sometimes few years delay from the major cities in the world... I think singapore is at the stage of followers. It is not like those kind of cities who can create trends and fashion. There's no real scene in Singapore. Not even asia wide (Tokio) and not globally (NY,Paris,London).

From these 2 comments i think Singapore will remain as a nice and enjoyable city but never a leading city in terms of partying.

Singapore is often compared as the switzerland of Asia, why coz it s safe and rich. Switzerland has never been a party place...

I guess we should leave this to big cities like Shangai, Tokyo, Bangkok in Asia.

I would add a comment, Singapore by being so safe and also so protective to its citizens, it kills what can initiate creativity. Personnaly i don't mind as i lived long enough in places not as safe and now i feel good here :)
2017-01-03 18:32:29 UTC
Singapore Nightlife Red Light
2007-03-19 18:09:35 UTC
Nightlife. It is a very generic term. Does not necessary means the clubbing scene. In fact, i happen to find Singapore's nightlife moving very much ahead than most countries. Nightlife could mean anything that happens in the night. Take a few colourful e.g. Newton, the hussling and bussling of crowd. Midnite movie, ppl gathering outside, say cineleisure, lining up for popcorn etc. Mr bean at Selegie rd. Ardent fans crowd the 24hr joint. Even at amk central, S-11 still commands a crowd, with up to 5 buzzers clearing plates and cutleries. Of course with the addition of St James and the Cannery, the nightlife in Singapore just got heated up a notch. Not only do we measure up, it seemed that size does matter, super clubs, hypermarkets, with NTUC trying to get a share of the hypermarket pie. Singapore is forever changing, maybe that is the strength Singapore has, the differentiation. One closes, another one springs up. We never keep trying. We just keep fine tuning.
2007-03-23 17:35:22 UTC
I was taken back that many responses assume that 'nightlife' is plainly restricted to clubbing. If you think clubbing is all there is to nightlife, then I must say ... GET A LIFE! Having been living in and out of Singapore regularly, I still find Singapore one of the best night spots in the world. In terms of finding food, a quiet place to hang out with your friends other than your home, or catching some entertainment, Singapore definitely ranks somewhere high up. Of course we can't match up with the mega-cities of the world like LA and New York, where their basic populations are probably twice, if not thrice of Singapore's. I think a lot of people are frogs in the well here, especially since they haven't really travelled, and are passing judgement from what they have seen or read off the internet, TV and magazines. These mediums only emphasise the glamourous parts of life outside the world, but what they fail to include are the ugly ones. Often times, the ugly sides far outweigh the good, and a lot of Singaporeans don't get to see those until they actually step out of the country to see for themselves that some things are not as beautiful or cool as they previously thought. For your information, I am now in Australia, and we have the smoking ban too if that so pleases you. In fact, Australia is even more stringent on certain laws than Sinagpore (save capital punishment :P), so I don't understand the big hooha over restrictions back home. Having stayed away from home so long, I was almost as foreign as a tourist when I went home the last time. And what I discovered was that there were attractions that I never bothered to explore, thinking that they'll always be there. I guess I took them for granted having stayed in Singapore for the past 21 years of my life. However, when I did visit or revisited some of these places, I was actually impressed.Our zoo, underwater world...etc are actually way better than the ones here at the Cold Coast, and we don't pay crappy dollars for the sights back in Singapore for crappy facilities and services. Ever visited a zoo with 6 crocodiles and 2 alligators??? That's the Steve Irvin Australian Zoo. You could have seen WAAY more at our Crocodile Farm. I must admit there are aspects of Singapore that loses out and needs improvement, but definitely not the clubbing scene. I have seen far too many drunkard nuisances here in Aus who drink Thursdays-Sundays. You probably find more vomit than pick-ups along the clubs and streets. And in Australia and America, many places are out of reach without a car, and there are areas that taxis will refuse to take you if you are too far out into the suburbs. Oh yes, and try paying fares like $10-15 for traveling distances like from Clementi to Holland V. In Singapore, taxis at night are no problem, and even with the midnight charges. I think it's all these little things that contributes to nightlife, making life almost no difference and just as convenient as during the day.
2007-03-19 19:03:52 UTC
I have been to many night entertaining establisments from young till now, but so far, i can only say that most of the so called hot spot do not last long enough compare to many others in neighbouring countries. The only reason that i could tot of is that the changes and upkeeping of those establisment in singapore was not as good as to last, in fact, given a period of time, the once popular hangouts fade off totally or took over in popularity by another and eventually the ball keep passing out until it became so unpopular and much lesser crowd were seen. there was never a lack of local supporters on almost all night places but it doesn't seem to be exciting enough to attract foreigners to return. Compare to places like.........take for example Pattaya in Thailand(a sub urban night life) was all the years, popular to foreigners who travels there to hang out, of cos some may say that the place is more than just night entertainment, a lot more hidden agenda is undisclose, but jus imagine the years of stable income contributed from minority locals and majority foreigners had been so successful that the number of locals who depends it for a living had never been disappointed even after the threats of Asian Tsunami. I am not saying that night life in singapore should follow exactly the same style of that Pattaya, but don't you think that our local night life should always come out new ideals every now and then that will excite and attract all walks of people especially foreigners to return back for more expenditure? So that the legend will continue and not die halfway. I believe that in this night life, it should be more 'in' and continuously updated at a more faster pace compare to other industries so that people who hang out there will feel more enjoyable and thus return more often. Not jus simply music, drinks, some with pool tables and probably some with pole dancing...................That practically almost describe all for night life.
2007-03-19 18:56:29 UTC
Monotonous, lacking in variety would be my main complaints. Sure there are the zouks, the canneries and the powerhouses that seem to come and go every few years, but besides clubbing, we have nothing much left to do. Just watching discovery channel tells you a little bit of how other countries keep their citizens entertained; 24 hr cafes, hangouts, game centers, outdoor activities are just some of what others get to enjoy. For us, due to our very small and competitive population, our schedules are just not flexible enough for these businesses to be sustainable.

So back to your question about the nightlife in singapore; i would give it a 6. Zouk will still be my favourite hangout, the rest are just fads, coming and going like pretenders on stage.
Julian H
2007-03-20 21:38:58 UTC
Too old to party now. Busy making more money to buy my next Lambo or Ferrari to add to my collection, but I can tell you this: Growing up with Zouk, Fire and all the limited clubs at that time like Xanadu and HRC, Singapore has definitely come along ways. At one point time, we would have dropped to our knees if we had heard MOS was coming to town. Last time I went back to Spore with my wife, I was shocked, in complete disbelief as to how much Singapore's nightlife has transformed. Let's hope no one takes it for granted and Singapore continues to improve the house and party scene. We live in Seattle and the nightlife is nothing compared to Singapore. I am pretty sure New York and Boston's nightlife would be comparable. - 360 CS :)
2007-03-19 02:06:48 UTC
Wow, such a responce both good and bad but here is my my own thoughts on the matter.

Since moving here i have seen the party goers move one place to another, what every is new works here for a while then it dies off like Boat Quay has from just a a few years ago. now St. James and Clarke Quay are the hot spots but for how long that is the question?

I find the night light here in Singapore pretty good for it's size. you can not in anyway compare Singapore to L.A or the other larger cities in the world, that just isn't fair at all to me. Look at what we have in the numbers of perople that do party in the clubs. The over all numbers are a very small percent of the population. So with that in mind clubs have to redo them selves to make it in the F & B industry. Prices, are not that bad really when you compare to other places like Japan so don't complain about that.

The rules by the government, well what can you say, "Welcome to Singapore". give it time and there may be some changes over time i'm sure but don't hold your breath. But i do have to add that over the past 4 years changes have happen so we can only hope for the best.

Smoking band - I don't know any second hand smokers who need to run in to a club to get a fit, do you?

Our behaivor - if you dont like it don't do it is a matter of choice, stay home and have your party with your up straight friends and watch Disney movies it is ok. Everyone has a right, I think, to live as they want as long as are doing what they want to and not hurting anyone. if some decides to pick up or be picked up it is a personal choice and we have no right to judge others on how they live their lifes.

Singapore has a lot of offer in the way of places to party so there is something for everyone here. Over 1000+ clubs, pubs and Ktv's and lounges for a small place that is alot.

But this is just my opinion, i could be wrong!! (WEC)
2007-03-19 00:45:39 UTC
I believe a few others have already answered the night scene at clubs. What I would dare say, though many will not be happy to know, is that our nightlife in the red light district is very much 'world class'! No joke ... ask yourself, where else in the world you can find legal brothels and illegal street walkers lining up along the many lorongs of Geylang? It is a sight to behold, attracting many tourists from our neighbours and those from much further overseas alike. Activities go well into the wee hours of the morning. The best thing is, you don't even need to be 'involved' to soak in the atmosphere! Personally, I have not seen anything like this in any other parts of the world ...
tan s
2007-03-20 01:15:14 UTC
Singapore has no nightlife, i mean compare to the world what singapore has is nothing, but on the other hand we get to enjoy the little we have, i mean with the crime rate in other countries night life comes with a risk..... so i guess there are pro and cons.....

on the nightlife side, i think singapore has a lot of room for improvement.
2007-03-19 09:35:01 UTC
In my opinion, Singapore's nightlife entertainment has certainly transformed over the last few years. It has shifted its position in the nightlife entertainment among the most well-known entertainment industries in countries like US, UK etc; by introducing wider varieties of music culture, concept lifestyles from abroad to nuture more mature, and diverse party crowds. You'll see by identifying the new party places we have now, the concepts & styles of each one, the music it brings & the crowd it attracts, its definately a competition in this industry.

All in all, the aim is to upgrade & enrich our nightlife entertainment to better standards and services for the locals and foreigners. Of course, some may say we are still lacking because of stricter rules & regulations, music mixes etc.. But needless to say, it is definately a safer place to party! I guess the most visible reason is the lack of more vibrant & spontaneous individuals in our present generation. However I believe this is gonna change in the next new generations with the help of govt opening up & nurturing our society to be more vibrant & gracious. Hopefully by then, we can truely promote Singapore as a vibrant city. I strongly believe the growth in our nightlife now would bring us to the right track to mark ourselves on the map as a nightlife capital in the future.
2007-03-23 05:48:03 UTC
I think Singapore has to offer just about every kind of nightlife entertainment for everyone.. whether one wants to jus chill in a nice lounge, get comfortable in a friendly pub, beach bars for beach bums, and hot clubs for those who wanna sip & shake it...

Personally, there's always something to do @ night in Singapore.. 7 nites a week.. Sunday's always a nice day/night to chill with friends, like in cafe del mar,km8, or coastes. monday - thurs are after work drinks... wednesdays are ladies nite(I've never encountered such a thing before), fridays & saturdays is the big nites out.

It's pretty lively, I have lived here for 3yrs and enjoy the nightlife thoroughly & still have places to check out :)

I would say that singapore's brand of nightlife is in a league of its own
Singapore Visitor
2007-03-27 08:11:52 UTC
I guess Singapore's nightlife has been improving by leaps and bounds over time, perpetually moving forward and onwards, especially with a supportive government behind it.

More and more places have been opening up as drinking and clubbing places. Good places to chill include Rochester Park, Boat Quay, Clarke Quay, Mount Faber and even Sentosa.

More and more good clubs are continuing to revamp to keep themselves on par towards the renowned clubs of the world. Zouk, MOS, Double O and Thumper are but a few clubs that are doing well to hold their own.
Sayehan A
2007-03-22 11:24:52 UTC
Improvements can be made. Most of the major cities around the world have nightclubs which are gargantuan, beyond what MOS and St James Power Station can offer. Of course I ain't biased or anything. I must say that Singapore has achieved a somewhat comfortable position in the rankings of international nightclub scenes but tourists more or less associate Singapore more for their food, as a shopping destination and as a melting pot of cultures, crossed and modernised.
2007-03-21 19:14:38 UTC
The only reason there is a nightlife in Singapore is that people forgot to work at night in order to maintain the high cost of living !
Queenie Tay
2007-03-24 05:38:27 UTC
Singapore's nightlife is comparable to the rest of the world if you know where the happening places are!!! :)
2007-03-20 00:15:43 UTC
I may appear out of sync here, but I do agree with China-black that nightlife should not only equate to clubbing and pubbing. There is a whole lot of night activities to explore, like supper joints, late night shopping, camping in the open, cycling, or overnight cruise, spirituality session etc.

Going back to clubbing, where one usually goes after work/dinner and have a chat/dance/drink/relax/network for some 2-3 hours after that, and call it a day, to me, that's perfectly healthy.

However, nightlife is usually an outlet and excuse for people to flaunt their bodies, girlfriends, wealth, jealousy, fights, drugs, smoke, getting drunk and ugly, affairs, and generally to spend more money, only going home during the wee hours of morning.

That also mean less time for family and loved ones, less personal development in other areas, and not reporting to work on time or being exhausted the next day.

I am not against nightlife and its economic importance per se but a lot of people shun clubbing/pubbing for these undesirable outcomes. Perhaps a new concept will entice this group.
2007-03-18 21:46:06 UTC
In singapore, the nightlife's standard is coming up compared to the rest of the world. There is so much to do in singapore during the night. And not forgetting that it is much safer to club in singapore. In other countries clubbing at night is like taking a risk with your life. You never know what happens. I find that ppl really know how to have a good time in Singapore. Although places like Mohammed Sultan are losing its crowd, there are places where business is picking up. As for me, i am just waiting for the smoking ban to take place.
2007-03-23 06:00:00 UTC
A question to the do you define nightlife??? Seems like the idea of watching and being watched can often be the highlight of a night's out -as well as "fishing" the right stuff...

I would rather think of nightlife as something besides St. James Power Station, Zouk... nightlife is not just for club lovers - in a broader dimension.
Elias Aloysius Day
2007-03-26 10:34:20 UTC
Singapore's nightlife is just as good as Vegas, Miami or Rio. In some cases, Singapore is better. I can't wait to get back there.
2007-03-22 19:18:41 UTC
The beauty of Singapore is its safety, so regardless of what anyone has to say about the clubs in Singapore compared to those in the rest of the world, it doesn't matter. The fact remains that whether you like the clubs here or not, they are safe because they are in a safe city. We can therefore party until the wee hours of the morning without being concerned about drugs, gangsters and rape.
2007-03-23 05:57:52 UTC
Singapore is doing its best though there is room for improvement. However, its difficult to draw people if the nightlife meant to be only clubs. There should also be shopping and eateries where all level of people could come out and enjoy the night.
2007-03-20 08:11:55 UTC
I've not been to much clubs overseas.

But i believe Singapore on the whole is quite safe.

Clubbing in Singapore seems to be safer than other nearby countries in the region, where drugs and crime are common.

So how Singapore measures up?...

Take an analogy.

If you want to enjoy good seafood at a good rate, and dun mind the some risks of danger, you can opt to dine in a road side store where there is not much lighting.

If you want to enjoy good seafood at a safe and comfortable place, and dun mind paying more, you can opt to dine in a good reputable restaurant.

But then again, you first need to know where are the good seafood are located.

If you know the clubs (i mean better clubs) in KL and Bangkok, you will know what I mean.
steven N
2007-03-19 20:22:32 UTC
The selections we have are pretty world class but to be "happening" needs the crowd. U cannot compare with the rest of the world based on the crowd on weekends, weekdays count too. I think the working lifestyle of Sg is not helping the clubs on the weekdays. If u look at Australia, the pubs are already filled by 6pm! Most of us work late and would rush home just to get the rest we so much needed instead of spending that little time we had left for a drink.
2007-03-22 08:05:06 UTC
I think Singapore will stand up to the rest of the world if it has the diversity and openness that cater to different needs / segment of the society (gay, single women, PMEBs, bankers only, lawyers only).

The club scene here are usually a replica of different clubs around the world. We don't have a TRULY unique Singapore brand name.

And Singaporeans need to spend and learn to relax more. Without the necessary spending, clubs will not be able to survive at all.

We should live and let live - spend spend spend and party party party!
Yap L
2007-03-19 09:13:04 UTC
I feel that in Singapore, it already hv a very good night-life entertainment.. It just follow up to the trend..

Especially like St. James, a 1 stop entertainment complex, 9 in 1 outlet, it's already a Singapore no 1. Me, myself is also a clubber.. I used to hop around different outlet like frm MOS to Cannery, Cannery to Double O and goes on... Now thinking of it, I feel that its really a hassle... At times didnt even know which one to go 1st. So now with St. James, I can just go to all outlet... No hassle!! So that's y it make me feel that its already very gd... As i cant find anything wrong anywhere... But as to compared o the rest of e world, there's deffinitely something missing... As there's a saying goes... There's always a better 1... And nothing in this world is perfect... Other's may be good in what you're not good in... And you 're good in what others not good in too... So i feel that as long as our night-life entertainment still follows up to the trend, its already very best... Keep it up St. James!!!
2007-03-18 23:00:48 UTC
For a start, we've come a long way since...Singapore's club scene has incrementally improved over the years, be it ambience and atmosphere. However, and without sounding too elitist, we've a long way to go in terms of maturing as a party crowd. While true with the influx of foreign crowd i.e. partygoers, DJs, etc., has helped to create a more "cosmo feel", the general comparison of the Singapore club scene to those abroad are that the ambience and atmosphere (abroad) are more spirited, spontaneous and fun. Perhaps we (Singapore) have yet to mature into a "party society"...this said, we have the natural ingredients to place us on the world map, what not with the likes of Zouk, and now MOS and St. James, to greatly emphasize our maturing taste as well as party lifestyles. And with this, I believe the "thematic all-in-one" concept that most clubs are subscribing to will drive us further as one of the leading trendsetters in the clubbing scene. And perhaps with this point, we should remain thankful that land scarcity in Singapore has helped create in us a "vertical stacking - maximising" ideology forcing entrepreneurs to house different themes in one locale, which greatly enriches the clubbing environ.

I have lived overseas for a few years now...and while I won't say I speak with authority on such matters, I dare say that we (Singapore) may be overly conscious to be number one in most endeavors we do, to the point of becoming avaricious. Perhaps it is about time we learn to grow at our own pace, coping with what society or even the world expects of us, rather than try lead and even be enslaved by this need to be first attitude, which I presume is unknowingly purported in Andrew's question. =)
2014-05-28 18:49:37 UTC
Majority can dance to Promicuous Girl or Square Room week after week, but they'll just froze when you play progressive. They don't have any idea what Drum and Bass is, or who the heck Filo and Perry is. When something new is offered, many aren't keen to try it out. Many are still comfortable with the tried and tested formula, with names that they already know, and they go to places that everyone goes. Our local DJs are not given ample support too. All these factors contribute to the reason why the smaller clubs won't last long, and even if they last, they'll remain small. Thus, making the culture here predictable. It's Zouk this wkend, MOS next and St James week after.
2007-03-21 10:16:43 UTC
This is addressed to Mr Andrew Ing. I am utterly disappointed with St James's service attitude. The security personnel are untrained and behave worse than gangsters.

I was treated crudely and rudely, even though I am a regular at the club. I was forced to produce my ID card, even after I flashed my member's card.

Mr Andrew, who was present when the police arrived, took the matter lightly, and laugh it off, I mean that was the expression I saw on his face.

I would like to pose a question to him, "What is the use of me paying for membership fees, when your security do not give recognition to the member's card. Worse still, after entering the club, I was further harassed by another security personnel, to challenge me to a fight outside. Then I was "MANHANDLED" by the security personnel to go out of the entrance. In the end, I had no choice but to call the police for help.

Obviously, the security personnel are uncouth and lack proper training in conduct and behaviour towards customers.

This kind of unfair treatment to customers cannot be tolerated in Singapore, where high service standard and quality is expected. I hope the management of St James will provide a satisfactory explanation to my incident, as I intend to take further legal action against the security personnel who "MANHANDLED" me.
2007-03-21 07:33:31 UTC
I think Singapore's nightlife is boring, manufactured and absolutely unorganic. Building more night spots and entertainment places will not make a soul less city anymore exciting than an amusement park. I think Hong Kong or Paris are more exciting not for the number of night spots they have but the unique elements that combine a blend of old and new, dirt and grime and the acceptance of subcultures as opposed to our squeaky clean, unimaginative image.
2007-03-19 23:18:54 UTC
Singapore is a very expensive and restricted in alot of ways, why waste my money there. Especially there are alot of budget airlines to travel to Asia and let your hair down. Lets compare ourself with the Asian countries first and then compare ourself to the rest of the world. Probably I believe that you have not stayed or lived at the right place where I stayed and lived where nightlife have no limits and does not cost an arm or leg or your freedom.

Imagine that the owners are passing their hefty rentals and overhead to the unknowing customers!!!
Louis C
2007-03-19 05:47:24 UTC
how can singapore measure up? i mean, i am not being unsupportive but really, the effort is quite measly. St James Power Station? Cannery? I mean really, I am talking Hong Kong!!! I dont even know which one to start with...u get the picture? and London!!! its WOW!!!

And the no smoking rules really suck! Big Time!! I am not a smoker by the way but I'd rather smell smoke than stale sweat, stale perfume and BO in discos and KTVs...dont you think?

So what do I really think? There's so much more Singapore can do..but current efforts are not enough...not by a long shot!!
2007-03-24 18:15:53 UTC
I am due in Singapore next month. Have been to Thailand, Philippines and Japan. So can't compair Singapore yet.

I have seen the smoking ban from both sides in Florida as a resort manager. In my opinion there should be both smoking and non-smoking outlets. Clearly identified so one knows if there is smoking allowed or not. But, choice should be made available.
2007-03-18 21:58:05 UTC
Singapore certainly live up to standard in many aspects of entertainment. May it be clubbing, food, shopping, IT stuff etc, it's all keeping up to the latest hip and liking. However, I find a lack in initiatives and ideas to keep "Stayin Alive" in this Saturaday night fever arena. Most club houses have short life span that selfdom last more than a decade. Believe the restraining order for smoking may bring new opportunities to this business and instill new vigor to these already highly competitive business. A total ban may not necessarily be all bad but old habits die hard and it's a geeks world now, some forms of technological advancement need to be in place to fill this smoking deprivation. Couldn't think of anything to relate drinking with high tech stuff now but would be refreshing to know come what may? Perhaps... hologram gaming; intelligent/smart geeky hostesses: drink drive in a game of Racing Rally lol
2007-03-18 10:41:11 UTC
Indeed. Clubbing have become so much popular in sg. Try visit the St James on Friday and Saturday Night. IT is so pack that you can't even find a place to move.

Lets not forget the pubs, bars and lounge. I rather chill out at the pub and bars. I can sing for myself rather than standing whole night and listen to the band. With smoking ban coming up. who knows what will happen. I just hope pub business still survive.
2007-03-21 00:19:19 UTC
Honestly we try very hard but not really reaching there....being crowded and having many hip & cool pubs may not reflect much on the entertainment value or a positive account on night life anyway credit still have to be given for our make believe night life layout but dont mean to sound negative,the truth is we are long way from having a quality nightlife .....if you dont trust me travel a bit and be enlightened.
2007-03-20 09:59:34 UTC
The meaning of "nightlife" should not be restricted to just clubs and pubs. Clubs and pubs appeal only to one group of people and for people who do not frequent pubs and clubs, are they to stay at home and stare at the tv? No! I think the meaning of nightlife should be extended to having eateries and shopping that last through the nite! In Hong Kong, you can find restaurants opening till wee hours of the morning! When i am hungry, i just walk downstairs and i can have a hot congee or delicious noodles! And it's not just in town, even in normal neighbours i can enjoy that. And that is where i think Singapore's lacks in its nightlife. Even though we have exciting clubs and exquisite clubs, it does not extend to everyone in Singapore. Everyone should have some form of nightlife that he or she can enjoy. But Singapore is showing lots of potential. Maybe someday i can just go downstairs and i can enjoy hot prata and mee goreng! (Without having to drive for 30 minutes or more..)
2007-03-20 08:04:45 UTC
When I go out in the evening, at nightspots, drinking is the norm....with it I enjoy smoking a couple of cigarettes. With the smoking ban, every nightspot you visit, you have to smoke outdoors. This is an exception if you are in a hotel. Why the duality? We need to have an International Standard. Not be trying to set a standard others wont want to follow and think "we have just been voted the best nightspot in the world" coz we are so squeaky clean

."The first minister expects the early days of Scotland's smoking ban to be fraught with problems.

Jack McConnell has urged officers enforcing the ban to go softly at first - advising and warning - rather than slapping down fines. "
Cher c
2007-03-19 19:41:13 UTC
though did not really have the chance to explore all other country nightlife, Impression is Singapore got too many restriction , (wait till the smoking ban come into effect) .


MOS - imagine retro ,hip hop instead of trance music

Velvet underground-still the trully chill out place to be though being around for a long time ( it speak for itself)
2007-03-19 09:52:48 UTC
Singapore nightlife? SUCKS........! for the new just a warmer only , after a year or two most of it will closed down for sure..Singaporean just like to try something new thats all, when it get sick of the place, you find them( the staff of the club) sweeping dust from the table..can't even compare to bangkok in Thailand , don't have to say other countries.
2007-03-18 23:05:09 UTC
At nightlife in Singapore must not too many streets lighting,building lighting and people's noises that would affect the peoples in the resting times, our country has to lighting up until 1am and not over 2am to 4am. also with the low noises from the peoples whom drunk in the bars/clubs,etc.
2007-03-18 21:22:23 UTC
I would say there is still alot of room for improvement like price, variety of music, food maybe, and most importantly, free parking lots for crowdy places with spacious and comfortable atmostphere for crowds and night lifers. St James and Cannery is still not good enough! (public advertisment not enough too) Singapore is not the best in this area yet but we are heading towards the right directions.
2007-03-22 22:48:05 UTC
I don't club but still i do not agree that our nightlife can stand up. That's the most absurb thing i've ever heard from any statistics. I'll be more convinced if they're talking about kids' academic achievements here.
Tho M
2007-03-19 22:37:16 UTC
I think the nightlife in Singapore is quite OK compare to Australia ( ex: Perth ), in Australia most shops close at 5 pm, whereas here, the shop closed at about 10-10.30 pm.

I don't know about the Discotheque and other pub or night-club, but I know for sure that you are not going to go hungry in Singapore at night.
2007-03-23 03:34:23 UTC
U must be joking, standing up to the rest of the world of the world? just a simply hunting ground for preys by the hungry doggies! However, I thumb up for the safest place on earth for the night life and I can safely home sweet home after my nightlife. Good job, keep it up. :)
Tan D
2007-03-19 20:44:25 UTC
Singapore nightlife is too boring, it's always the same old things. You can't go clubbing every night, it's going to bore to death. But, in Singapore, nightlife beside clubbing and foods, what's else??
2007-03-19 06:53:10 UTC
Well i think it really depends which side of nightlife are you reffering too? If ya comparing soothing, comfortable, cozy family night life.. Well From wad i know Americans and Australians Stop work totally at 6pm. They drive real slowly, no rushes and buzzes of " I'm RUSHING " yup.. Well if ur saying night life as in shopping ? We lost to Hong Kong and Taiwan. I'm pretty sure many gurls would agree. Last if ur probably reffering to clubbing,, Mmmm ~ i really have no comments bcoz i dun belongs to that world.. hahaha ~ maybe its really fun in there .. BUT to me .. all i know is ...

WHen the Night TURNS DARK = SLEEP ! laugh ~ yah !! maybe if i have a bf or husband, i'll still be more family-oriented.. maybe park a little, or still sleep at home.. wahhah
Nicholas A
2007-03-18 22:14:13 UTC
Ministry of sound and the rest of The Cannery isn't a franchise..a pharmaceutical company bought licences from these companies in the west to open them in Singapore..its totally different from franchising
2007-03-21 05:32:32 UTC
Even though I have travelled no further than Thailand and Japan, Singapore's night life is considered boring. Nothing to really make customers to return the next round for another session of enjoyment. Just my 2c worth :)
2007-03-21 00:50:55 UTC
Nightlife in Singapore is expensive and boring...

and look at the places with long queues, are they queueing because its really fun or simply because of the curiosity?

with the ban of smoking coming up, I wonder what's the purpose of paying so much to enjoy the "ban".
2007-03-20 15:41:49 UTC
Well, another important aspect of the club would be the bar. Our bars pale in comparison with the rest of the world. What we have here is a dull drinks menu. Bartenders need to have some freedom in expressing their creativity, instead of following strictly to the company's guide on cocktail concoctions. Otherwise, anyone can be a bartender. Bartenders who have great showmanship and the ability to produce great and unique drinks can draw more crowds. Singaporeans certainly need more education in knowing what is a good drink. We need more dynamic and expressive bartenders!
wolfgang a
2007-03-19 22:53:48 UTC
Is this another competition? For better measuement I suggest to implement a grading system.

In any case: nightlife is normally created and cultivated by the people. The Clarke Quay stunt etc. is rather created for the people- specificially for a well defined consumer group sometimes termed "The well heeled".
soon i
2007-03-19 02:13:16 UTC
Poor and boring. Plenty of regulations which stifle creativity along with everything else. Cannot even think of anything in the nightlife scene that is uniquely Singaporean and not just replicating what others already have .e.g. MOS
Sandy Bond
2007-03-18 22:18:48 UTC
Singaporeans need to know how to party right. Appear in style, dance in style, leave in style. As much as St James seemed such a crowded place, it's just the wrong set of crowd. It's not the place, the music, it's the right people to make the whole thing stand up!
2007-03-22 02:22:51 UTC
Frankly speaking... we're far from it.

Taking some examples from my very own experiences, (putting down in point forms)

1) Flexibility of the bartenders, their bar knowledges, their friendliness, wiliness to explain, the way they impress us.... Case studies from japan and Europe should be the benchmark we should follow...

2)Bouncers:rather to have rude bouncers, why not having some good examples from Zouk...their style,the way they handle customers with their knowledge of the place which they working willing to explain the policy, showing the directions, etc(compare and contrast btw St James, MOS ans Zouk)

incident 1: MOS: I was carrying a paper bag with a birthday present inside, the way the bouncers shakes and knocks with it, as if having a bomb inside...

incident 2: St James: Ladies night powerhouse....notice that bouncers shouting at the top of this voice at entrance most of the time...

lastly come to zouk..... the gentle and friendly tone of the bouncers chatting with the patrons.

Management: the availability of having managers, supervisors or even captains to satisfy our doubts without taking a long time to come to us
2007-03-20 11:18:09 UTC
I think its kinda improving, with more and more stuff coming up from the singapore goverment....hope dey ban smoking in more places especially pubs and cafes....cuz im a singapore living in Dubai....everytime i go to Hard Rock Cafe i have to wear a cloth over my mouth or i'll surely get a sore throat D next day.....

Hope the F1 comes and do a night race....dats gonna be amazing....
2007-03-20 06:15:53 UTC
Pretty much a one trick pony...

To link vibrancy in the pubbing/clubbing scene to an exciting nightlife IS an overstatement.

There are more facets in the entertainment industry than just a potpourri of pubs and clubs.
2007-03-20 00:16:25 UTC
It takes more then just words. Singaporeans are the most boring and arrogant people. How can they have fun in an international standard? They are too self consumed; they might have fun in their world, but as a nightlife capital of the world?? Never. They actually think they are the world!!!
2007-03-20 11:04:38 UTC
Despite Singapore having many new posh clubs , the music or maybe the DJs playing in each club is not very much appreciate, the crowds are there to be seen or juz wan to be hang out in the top clubs in town . As we can see not many clubs are bring in DJs ard the world or advertising much on their resident djs. Remembering one of my fav Djs Adam Beyer came to spin in fort canning 2 years back and the crowd that turn out is disappointing.The only 2 clubs that are bringing in or maybe having wonderful resident Djs are Zouk and M.O.S I like the crazy, music loving clubbers in UK as to why there are many top Djs born there. We dun need lotsa of posh clubs but more real clubbers in spore.
2007-03-22 08:50:23 UTC
Comparatively to some other countries, it is ceratinly safer to party in Singapore and there is more "life" at night, with all the new and big clubs, not mentioning great chillout spots all over town. Music wise, I think there is a variety of it. Different clubs offer different genres of music to suit different needs.

One thing we might need to work on is the "quality" of clubbers. Can you imagine people wearing tees and jeans to club? My golly, we should at least dress up abit...If you don't wanna "kill", at least take it as an excuse to doll yourself up for clubbing sake! ;)
2007-03-20 04:04:54 UTC
Singapore's nightlife is way too much for me. We have a bit of everything and it seems so mixed and horrible. Big clubs killing each other for patrons and losing their idenity overtime.

Being spoilt for choices is good but over doing it is not good.
2007-03-19 05:45:11 UTC
Singapore’s nightlife. Still got a long way to go.
Ethan M
2007-03-18 23:18:32 UTC
No, it doesn't ! As other asian countries' nite lifes r having longer hours, lesser retrictions, etc..........

The government shld allow youngers able to attend such places in order to know watz nite lifes r all abt but being a frog in the well !!! Having strict rules from the government, do u think Singapore will able to measure up to the rest the world !!! ??????
2007-03-20 20:13:37 UTC
Singapore nightlife is still lacking much when compare to Hongkong, Japan and Europe...
ng k
2007-03-19 20:12:38 UTC
well as i am staying in hong kong and also travel much.i think there is a standard with the clubs in singapore comparing to those on asia.

but in america and europe etc london.i think the clubs there is much better concerning the types of is the crowd that makes or breaks a club,right?
2007-03-20 06:59:54 UTC
What nightlife? In Singapore! What nightlife?
2007-03-19 10:09:06 UTC
well, if you've been to MOS in London or Ibiza in Spain, then you'll have a better idea where Singapore stand. I would say the crowd is probably pretty close but not the scene.
2007-03-22 16:01:29 UTC
What can i say ? It's good enough.......for now ! :)

Maybe more special event and invite overseas DJ or guest. I guess it will be great !

Somehow if the transportation in s'pore would improve as in more night-service bus, cheaper taxi fare and more supper hot-spot at night. So we can fill our stomach after few hours of drinking, clubbing and dancing !
Joanne L
2007-03-19 23:55:10 UTC
i think the clubbing scene in singapore is the best. here you can find zouk, st james power station, etc. and there is a lot of shopping that you can do in singapore at night, for example at mustafa shopping centre.
John Becker
2007-03-24 00:36:10 UTC
EUROPE's night life is the best. Go to the clubs there. It will blow you away. There are more clubs in Europe than any other part of the world. I don't remember which countries though :(
nicholas c
2007-03-18 20:32:04 UTC
Being able to enjoy economic stability and attaining several world class accolades for various infrastructures like the ERP, Changi Airport, transportation systems, easy access ports and relatively low crime rate.

Having achieved that, Singapore is now moving on to the pop culture aspect of nation development.

With the Integrated Resorts arriving in 2008/9, it is small wonder that by opening up the entertainment lifestyle amenities would definitely propel Singapore on the world map, especially more so as we are a land and resource scarce nation. With entertainment on the forefront, Singapore could very much become the entertainment Capital of the East, with Ibiza being the counterpart in the West.

The entertainment in Singapore comes in various diverse forms and it is defintiely uniquely Singaporean.

It's east meets west and everyting in between.

With Zouk spearheading the dance music and affirming to the love and passion that the founder stood by, Singapore is, safe to say, more well versed in this aspect , than other Asian countries, which equates dance music to taking drugs. Having ascertained and built a solid foundation with its quirky brand of marketing, campaigns and definitely stellar line up if DJs, which was unheard of, just 5/6 years back, this move converted Singaporeans into a nation of well informed and in-the-loop of the international music scene. Fast forward to 2007, the first breed of clubbers have grown beyond and thus spawned thousands of others who appreciate the presence of both International and Local DJs.

And all this set the stage for the bigger things to come.

Built on francishes, MOS and The Cannery is making use of well-known clubs, to create a desire and demand for clubbing. Scattered among several places, watering holes, pubs, smaller clubs, existing party goers are comfortable in thier own niche and not willing to explore, thus creating a stagnant scene for the nightlife. Plus, there are still a large percentage of the population out there whom are not partying at all, due to comfort level and the stereotypical mindset of clubbing. With international appeal and assurance, MOS and the clubs at The Cannery, created a sense of curiosity and desire for both existing and virgin clubbers, who wants a piece of the action, thus drawing a new breed of clubbers into the open, making it a vibrant, albeit a little diverse crowd, upping the ante on the clubbing scene.

It is a true ' Battle of the Titans' as one National Paper put it, when St James Powerhouse, touted as one of Singapore's largest entertainment complex is due to open. Realising the potential of the Chinese market, and the multi cultural needs of both local and international clubbers and party goers, the evolution seemed almost, long overdue. Going beyond the BOS, St James is a one-stop, non stop entertainment complex with almost every form of clubs, KTV, lounge, chill out place and live entertainment. Not wanting to go into the foray with existing market leaders, giving them a run for their money with a revamped Chinois meets Canto meets Beyond 97 concept in the form of Dragon Fly, St James has hit the right note with the, perhaps most high spending crowd in Singapore.

With such a variety of entertainment, I would safely say, apart from being part of a globalisation, Singapore's entertainment/nightlife scene is localised as well and the inclusion of quality live acts, is definitely pushing the envelope in terms of making Singapore an entertainment capital, as well as pretty darn good economic sense.

The potential of the nightlife scene in Singapore has yet reached its full potential and I should say that there is still the longtail of it which spans across wider age range, more diverse acts, and of course, more realistic ' Crazy Horse' acts.

Overall, Singapore is definitely a country to be reckoned with in the world of entertainment
2007-03-21 21:24:52 UTC
With more choices these days, I feel like a regular clubber in a regular top-notch cosmopolitan city. Good Job to Andrew & Co for bringing in The Cannery concept to SG.
2007-03-22 04:26:16 UTC
Singapore!!! Most boring place to club according to my cousins from Australia. And i myself have stop going clubs, the last time i went out to club is around 14 months back. I agree with my cousins.
2007-03-21 02:11:22 UTC
I think we still have a long way to go. Most of the people are regulars at these night life places, some (singles, divorcee, widows & widowers) seeking for opportunity to hook up and it's boring drinking, getting drunk etc etc so meaningless and entertainment show etc etc is so limited. Stand up nowhere!
2007-03-19 21:40:02 UTC
We only half way through compare to the the night life cities.

What they have the prices are right, the musics are excellant, the services are fantastic, longer hours and the crowds can have unlimited fun and entertainment.
Leo vinc
2007-03-18 23:22:27 UTC
from the way i looks into st james concept were pretty impressed by me. under WDA certified of all staffs were trained with, there's no other clubs or big player can come after this. on my stand, been in thailand, cambodia, malaysia they're just an entertainment complex which create an most despo people to party and bring them home with surprise. e.g. drug, women, etc.. and they're couldn't stability their music style everything can mix into them.

However, in sg it isn't that way. differ concept gives differ culture or race party goer to get them into joy. plus drug wasn't into our country so far. banning is also an way to kill more criminals rate or fighting too.

to be more precise, we still have longtail of it which spans across wider age range, more diverse acts which have had won over chinois, canto, 97, estee, B1, v8, babyface so far.
easy e
2007-03-20 02:31:47 UTC
sorry bro singapore night life is pricy and only for angmohs who can afford it and the sarong party girls. with 70% of singaporeans earning less that SGD4k a month what can we afford? i do not want to sound like a sad sucker...but try bangkok and kuala lumpur ..... you will be satisfied.....zeta bar at kl .......

as for security it is your mind and insecure feelings u have to deal with. is singapore totally drug and crime free? if you do not know how to watch out anywhere any place is not safe....
2007-03-19 23:44:30 UTC
if you live in the heartlands then the your night life revolves around kopitiam and soccer matches. now, nightlife in geylang? thats a different matter that the uncles and ah peks of s'pore could attest for.
2007-03-23 05:22:45 UTC
Singapore's to measure our party scene agst the best?? Long way to go.. can someone make it 24x7??
goh w
2007-03-21 06:16:40 UTC
Not too boring.....compared to other country like England.

At least ...... makan and clubbing places are not too bad...However ,would like better if we have the MIDNIGHT SHOPPING going on in Singapore, for instance, every sat nights. : )
2007-03-19 05:03:45 UTC
I'm going back to Singapore and you gave me an idea where to go at night.
Eric L
2007-03-21 02:12:15 UTC
compare to hk, bkk and shanghai....cmi la. dont even need 2 compare with uk or us. i cant say much about the rest. 1 problem is tat we dont hv the volume. so every time some new one come up....all go over there n the old 1 like ghost town.
towelie l
2007-03-19 23:23:39 UTC
totally agree with hover, obviously shallow nicholse havnt been around the SE region eg. thailand. He's just repeating the nonsesnse our local ST been telling to propograte us with.

Sometimes it better to not read the papers than to reading it.
Unknown Warrior
2007-03-21 03:10:11 UTC
Make a formal dress code. Kick all those rowdy mats and Minah, lians and bengs and your place will be jus nice filled with exclusive high class ppl :)
yay4 a
2007-03-19 10:55:10 UTC
i am very pissed with the banning of smoking. government is encourgaging entertainment, yet trying to input more and more rules and regulations, oops, not trying to input, IS INPUTING. yeah we can smoke, each pub will then build a 2 square meter space for ALL THE pathetic SMOKERS IN THE PUB to smoke.

holy crap, i wonder is this our country? or its "their" country. the answer is definite.
2007-03-22 22:10:07 UTC
I'm waiting for this kind of nightlife to collapse cos it teaches the youngs all wrong values. it teaches the man to cheat on their wifes, teaches the wifes to behave like sluts and cheat on their husbands. teaches childrean to have underaged sex and exposure to drugs. teaches the young to stay out late and piss off their parents. and to induce deafness to the people who are exposed to loud music. what's good in all these? i won't feel proud to let my children know i'm in this business!
hpz ftw
2007-03-23 00:52:42 UTC
singapore's night life is alot different.
2007-03-21 00:18:21 UTC
Singapore should not ban smoking in disco at all. It will affect the business.
2007-03-20 16:53:03 UTC
Bull-****!!! You travelled all over the world????? No need to go far, just go Phatpon, Bangkok, Thailand, tell us what's the difference.
Mark D
2007-03-20 04:10:34 UTC
i am afraid our night life is simply boring and does not create a sense of night life for those who are night person.does not impress and just copycat for some.steep price too.Singaporean are boring lot and dont how to destress and it become norm when they visits again the night places.The fault lies in our mind and our blood.
lee k
2007-03-19 22:33:17 UTC
its quite pale as compare to the rest of the world ! WE just do not measure up , just look at the recent closure of crazy horse ,so just stop kidding ourselves please.WE are just plain frickle minded and hard to please lot ,stemming from national kiasi and kiasu attitude on a global scale ,(sigh............)
2007-03-25 19:30:49 UTC
# 2 after Central African Republique
? man
2007-03-19 02:57:46 UTC
I feel sg should be more open minded. Now there are too much restriction on night spot.
2007-03-18 22:13:20 UTC
compare to other part of the world we only 70%.still premature compare to uk and usa sinapore is still way back from usa for another 50 years.
2007-03-20 19:55:48 UTC
singapore nightlife is really totally sux..... esp zouk and cannery totally **** man, compare to other country is much more fun and wild, so s'pore pls don't shame urself asking ard....AND ALSO PLS STOP SAYING HOW GOOD IS S'PORE..............................
2007-03-21 14:33:50 UTC
It is pretty good but very expensive. Vegas beats it by a mile.
christina s
2007-03-26 09:43:16 UTC
so get amap and put the world the map so poeple cloud see it and think that is the best thing
2007-03-19 23:53:11 UTC
Tip of the Ice Burg...
Junhong L
2007-03-18 19:47:45 UTC
I am waiting for the smoking ban to take effect
2007-03-25 06:59:50 UTC
good lah, criispy roti prata still open in the late hours
jeffrey b
2007-03-20 06:58:49 UTC
It are the night of the young. try vist g is next is pack day & night.
2007-03-20 17:30:51 UTC
No doubt this places are jam packed!But why everyone"s so up tight with noses up in the air.MUCH LIKE ZOMBIES!!!!!!!
2007-03-19 00:28:50 UTC
Singapore is lagging.
2007-03-20 09:25:36 UTC
The answer is simple just go to to find out.
2007-03-18 22:18:38 UTC
Yes the banning of smoking will definitely encourage more people to club. Even the old or pregnant women. :D Don't outcast us...
2007-03-19 21:03:47 UTC
well we got night safari too, maybe you wanna extend the question to our folks there too.
2007-03-19 21:33:29 UTC
I think its boring really.
2007-03-21 23:00:39 UTC

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