2010-04-13 18:05:38 UTC
one reason why they won't let me quit my lessons is because playing an instrument apparently makes you smarter and will help me with the future... maybe a little, but it's not like i will be a piano teacher.. i'm more into theater anyway..
i want to quit my piano lessons and move on to something else like voice lessons (something that i am actually interested in) or guitar, or a SPORT (i've never been on a team before because of piano lessons, and i don't want to do something everyone else does. my parents also say sports are ALWAYS expensive), or maybe join theater! the thing is that when i tell my parents i want to quit and that i'm not really learning anything anymore, they threaten to take cancel my phone plan and cut off internet and everything (they do this a lot when i don't do what they say).
i REALLY want to quit lessons! it doesn't help me (when i say that, they tell me that they'll tell my teacher that and my teacher is really nice but..) and i don't even practice anymore. i don't like how my parents are paying for something i won't be using often in the future.